Thursday, January 17, 2008

The verdict...

Wow, for a while there my poll was showing 50/50 results but now it is definitely Swiper that you guys want to get rid of. That's what I was thinking too, after all he was the one on the floor with the photo album in his mouth. That night right after I posted on the blog I went on craigslist and searched for "schnauzer" turns out there was an elderly couple living on the ritzy side of town (for the Utahns it would be like the East side OF the East Side) who had just lost their beloved schnauzer and were in the market to adopt one.

I e-mailed the lady explaining our situation. She said she would be more than happy to take "swipey" (as she referred to him) off of our hands. She said she would pay a rehoming fee of $350. THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS! Sure, that is how much we paid for him, but that was when he was a cute little tiny fluffy puppy, not a memory distroying, water pipe breaking, stinky, dog. I didn't expect more than maybe an offer of fifty dollars or something.

This was tempting. We could buy a wii, or plane tickets for Gwen and I to Utah, or a million other things. Not only that but Swiper would be living the high life! Nice house, nice yard, nice older couple to walk him every day. No more home haircuts, the woman assured me that she would meet his grooming needs every six weeks. It really was sounding like a win-win situation.

I went down and sat on the floor, Swiper immediately pranced over and sat in my lap and kissed my face. He looked up at me with those big puppy dog eyes. He didn't care that I had yelled at him the night before, didn't care that I had just tried to sell him, he just loves me, no matter what!

The lady can keep her $350, he's Swiper Bassett and he's going to stay that way. Thick or thin, he is part of the family now.

They drive me crazy, but so does Bentley, and we're keeping him too.

And to those parents who are relieved at the strife it is causing me to have a dog (er...two dogs) I say, every kid should have a dog. I stand by it. I am not lying. And if you love your kids at all you will get them a dog while they are young so they don't try to compensate when they are older and get two dogs a week after they buy a house, even though they are pregnant.


Julie said...

I never voted on your poll because I couldn't decide. Every day I would come to your blog and read over the choices, determined to pick one and I never could. I couldn't pick Boots because he doesn't bark as much and he is better on a leash. I couldn't pick Swiper because he stays off the furniture and knows how to sit. So I'm glad you're keeping them both. Good for you! OH and by the way...good decision to keep Bentley too!!!

Ralphie said...

Women. Picky yet indecisive.

G said...

I confess I never voted either. How could >>I<< decide something like that? I've never even seen either of your dogs. It was not my decision in the slightest.

I sure hope I can learn to love a dog like that someday. I fear it isn't in me...

Heather said...

I know I have probably posted about this before, but I love my dog. I would say I love him more days than the other people I live with! HA! He did not wake me up at 4:30 this morning. In fact, he kept my bed warm for when I came back (even though he thinks that is HIS spot). I completely agree with you on every kid needs a dog. Or a cat. Never been much of a fan of the other animals. I think it teaches them to love animals (or torture them, lol, j/k). Plus, my pug (even though he may not always like it) definitely helps entertain my 3 year old. Ethan LOVES to play with the dog.

Jen and Beth said...

Yeah. I'm glad you decided to keep him. I remember when i was a kid that my dad had my mom take me out and while we were gone he took my dog to the pound. I was so sad and I don't think I ever really forgave him for it. Pets do become your friends even though they are annoying sometimes.

Strong Family - said...

More power to you...we're still not getting any dogs until we're past baby stage. I've learned my lesson twice and am not tempting fate any more.