Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Buyer beware...

I think it is only fair to warn you. Do not buy something from me off of craigslist. If you do bad things will happen. I must be jinxed. So as a friend I beg of you, do not buy something from me. Just in the last week horrible horrible things have happened to people who were scheduled to come pick something up at my house. One woman's daughter got sick, another's mother had to be rushed to the hospital, a guy got called in to work even though it was his day off and finally, another guys water heater broke and flooded his apartment, leaving his funds too depleted to complete the purchase with me. Did anyone bother to call me ahead of time, before I spent my day waiting for them to show? nah. That would be too easy. So for your own safety (and for that of your friends and family) avoid buying stuff from me on craigslist. Please.

1 comment:

Sheyenne said...

No one bothered to call because they're all a bunch of liars. Sorry. I actually give stuff away for free-GOOD stuff- and sometimes people still don't show up to pick it up. People are just flaky.