Tuesday, October 21, 2008

True Friend

I've dedicated entire posts to how much I love Laurs before. So I'll try to keep it short and just say that a true friend is one who will send you a picture like this . . . .

at a time when she knows you feel like you look like this.....

Thanks Laurs. I feel inspired to grow out my hair. The funny thing is, I know that for my entire life I never felt pretty. Oh man if I would have known how cute I really was : )


Blaine said...

You are beautiful both in the picture and in real life and I've always thought that. And that elephant is LOL funny!

simple mom/wife said...

That is the best picture! Look at those two hot mamma's--they still are!

TheMoncurs said...

You totally look like one of my old roommates in that picture!

Are you related to a Carrie from Ohio? Wish I could remember her maiden name..

Kristi said...

Nope, I'm really not related to very many people. I know that sounds weird, but I only have a handful of cousins, all from Utah, but it's nice to know I have a twin out there somewhere :)

julianne orth said...

you are beautiful, but yes you do look really pretty in that picture. It is funny I always think pregnant women are so dang cute, but when I am pregnant I never feel cute, so I know how you feel, the elephant describes it very well :)

Laurie said...

You're hilarious. Love the elephant

Stef Bassett said...

Kristi, you are so funny! I love the Gwen quotes down the side. You are cute and beautiful! Are you guys really coming to Utah for Christmas? Yay if you are, it will be a packed Bassett house!