Thursday, July 19, 2007

I fought the law, and the law won

I've never been robbed. Actually that is debatable. Growing up my brother had robber-like tendencies that led me to believe that my wallet was missing money on several occasions because of him. Now that he is a much more trustworthy person that doesn't scare the bejeebies out of me anymore I should ask him about my childhood money that has gone missing. Anyway, regardless, no more than $30 has been taken from me without my consent, sometimes my reluctant consent, but consent nonetheless.

I worked for H&R Block earlier this year, providing technicals support for users of TaxCut (their online software for figuring out taxes). Anyway, having this position provided me extra confidence when I did my own taxes this year. I have done them every year but have usually doubted myself and figured I had done them wrong. This year was different, I was certain everything was fine.

A couple of weeks ago I got a letter in the mail from the Utah department of Revenue saying they had never received my signature on my return. So I signed the paper, mailed it in and anxiously awaited the arrival of my hundred something dollar check. Not much, but 100 bucks is 100 bucks!

I kind of forgot about that until today when I opened the mailbox and found another letter from the Utah Department of Revenue. Ah, my check had arrived and not a moment too soon because we have just spent a lot on baby stuff, etc. I open the "check" and to my dismay find that it is a bill for over $230 including $20 of late fees. Late fees? I should charge them late fees because they are the ones who owe me money, TaxCut says so! Now I am in distress because I guess they are probably right, but $230 that's like a car payment, or like 10 dinners at Olive Garden, or two months of electricity bills. Oh man. Really it was like losing $380 because I had been assuming they owed me money. Those scoundrels.

I can't complain too much because those scoundrels are paying for my milk, eggs, cheese and juice (WIC), paid for Gwenie's birth ($5,000?), and gave us money every semester we were in school (probably $10,000 between the two of us over four years). So I still like the government, and I would have gladly paid the $200 back in February when it was supposedly due if TaxCut would have told me to.

Next year I will hire a professional (or my Dad).


Katie Goulding Sierer said...

Kristi....I love you!!! I am so glad you are blogging!!!!

Julie said...

I'm sorry for your loss Fids! It's no fun to expect money and then end up having to pay! Just be excited for next year when you have a newborn baby to write off! By the way, you should add me to your friends list over there!! I'm sure your friends will like me too!

Cricket :)

Julie said...

P.S. I love your baby name poll!

Kristi said...

Don't worry Cricket, I was planning on it, just didn't have the address with me! Thanks for reading and posting!