Sunday, July 29, 2007

Who knew you could look like Geena Davis and Dakota Fanning, all at the same time. I'm so flattered that I look like I am 60 and 12 :)


Ralphie said...

It's the smile! Let's just hope that when you're 60 you'll look 12 and not the other way around :P

Katie Worthington said...

I've never made the connection that your resemblance is so strong to a lot of those ladies - but I do see the similarities now. I guess it just means you'll have to become rich and famous... :)

Laurie said...

It's crazy. You really do look like them!

Laurie said...

It's crazy. You really do look like them!

Jen and Beth said...

Ha Ha! That's great! I want to try that now. You really do make me smile Kristi.