Thursday, October 9, 2008

Portion Distortion

Blaine and I did weight watchers in the summer of 2006. It was great. I was able to get rid of those stubborn last few (er....TWENTY) pounds from my pregnancy with Gwen and Blaine lost 21lbs in three weeks! We were only on the program for five weeks but both felt tremendously happy and beautiful (or handsome as the case may be) afterwards. We haven't formally participated in WW again, but we have tried to keep using the things we learned during our five week stint.

One thing Blaine has always been proud of is that he only has one bowl of cereal in the mornings. He figured out that a level bowl of cereal is two servings about and he tops it with coffee creamer instead of sugar. Anyway, this morning I noticed that I think that his "one bowl" of cereal habit is getting a little extreme. . . .

I don't know if you can tell but those bad boys are soaring about two inches (at least) over the rim of the bowl, but gall darn it he only has one bowl of cereal in the mornings! So get off his back : )


Bart said...

I should be a good friend and buy Blaine a bigger bowl.

Anonymous said...

I do the same thing! I agree get this man a bigger bowl :)

Aimee said...

That bowl is miniscule! It would only be half a bowl if it was a regular-sized bowl!!