Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Side Splitting

Back in my Junior High days I thought it would be fun to try-out to be the school mascot - - a liger. Having had no gymnastic or dance experience I was at a disadvantage. Luckily though Laurie was well equipped to train me. With her training regimen and my charm, how could I not win?

Well we worked hard every day trying to get me to be able to at least do the splits. It never quite worked out, I don't think I ever even auditioned. What kind of mascot can't even do the splits?

So yesterday I was at my neighbors house talking and decided it was time to get up to go. Somehow after I got up and took a step I found myself slipping into the splits. Before I knew it I was all the way down, further than I got with all my practicing in Junior High. Wow. Apparently when I stood up I put one foot on a toy phone with wheels. .. and well, the rest is history.

Aside from the excruciating pain, it was really quite funny! I couldn't stop laughing (or crying) and I was pretty sure that labor would be imminent after an experience like that. No such luck.

So if you are having a sad day, just picture the 9 months pregnant woman doing the splits at her neighbors house (her neighbor that she had only met once before no less). It makes for a good laugh.

1 comment:

G said...

All I can say is, "OOOOOWWWWWWW!"