Sunday, November 18, 2007

and finally

Okay, we are all on the same page, and my honorary mother Josie is a doll and good humored (as I suspected!). So here is the final episode of the trilogy!

Josephine writes. . .

It is late and I am tired, but I just had to stay up long enough to say "HAPPY THANKSGIVING" and thank you for the good laugh! You mademy day! My daughter is in Jacksonville, Florida with husband and three grandchildren. Allison (16) plays a viola and Savanna(15) plays aviolin and will play in the high school orchestra for the tree lighting ceremony. It will be our first time to see them play in the orchestra. Theyalso play in the Jacksonville Jr. Orchestra. Savanna is first chair, a VIP. We are so proud of them. Valerie Robin is 4 years old and busygrowing up. We'll have tea while I'm there, I'm sure. She will keep us busy drawing, playing ball, reading, etc. FUN! It's been fun meeting you by Email and I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving even though we are going to Florida instead of Texas. Perhapswe can make it to Texas another time. I would love to see Gwen. Bet she is a cutie. It is great that she is doing so well with potty training.APPLAUSE. She will be a big help entertaining Bentley and keeping the puppies busy. I'm happy for you that Blaine is doing well at work (I wonder what his job is now although I didn't know what he did before.) You may havemoved from Utah because of Blaine's new job in Texas. In any case, good luck and keep up the good work. We love Ohio because of the change of seasons. Right now the leaves are a little much because I have no help to rake and bag themunless my son, Steven and his wife, Cindy come to help. I baked them an apple pie and will take it to Columbus where we will be catching the plane to Florida. Steven will take us to the airport. I was surprised to know you were in Texas when I was planning to see you in Florida, but I know this will work out eventually and I will get to where I am supposed to be as long as I don't rely on my typing on the computer. This is a machine I am going to have to work with a whilelonger. Your surprise Mother, Jo, Josie, Josephine or Jitty-eye Josie Pie (Oh, boy!)


G said...

Weird, I keep leaving comments and they keep not showing up...

Melissa Ash said...

How fun! You should definitely keep in touch with her!! Hilarious! :)