Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Okay, I just spent over an hour looking for a way to have the Hallelujah Chorus blaring when you log on to my blog. Not happening. So, in your mind start it blaring really loud right . . . . wait for it. . . . .right NOW!

GWEN IS GETTING POTTY TRAINED! Seriously, she went like twelve times in the regular big girl potty today. We crossed a serious barrier. Yesterday she sat on the little potty in front of the TV almost all day. That was seriously boggy and frustrating. Today as much as I wanted to throw in the towel I didn't. She had an accident first thing in the morning. I was so mad. I was mad because it wasn't an "accident". She showed zero remorse or disappointment, she just didn't care. I held in my emotional break down that was brinking and instead sat her down for a nice loooong talk. For some reason that was the magic. I swear I have "talked" to her about it before. Anyway, something clicked and she totally gets it. She even woke up from her nap dry.

Now for tomorrows adventure when we will venture out into the real world (or at least out of our tiled floor) with big girl panties. . . . cross your fingers for me!


Unknown said...

Yikes! Potty Training....not one of my favorites. I think I would rather give birth than potty train a child.

Janssen said...

Good for you! And good for Gwen. I am soooo not looking forward to potty training.

kateworthi said...

Congratulations! Hallelujah is right! It is such a great feeling to be done to be potty-trained! It's true, it seems like their desire switch just clicks like that. However, you've still got a long road ahead of you if you are anything like us, (and the norm) - sorry to burst your happy bubble :(
But really, be prepared with a change of clothes everywhere you go for a while - and washing lots of sheets. It took Ben a good 2 months before I stopped bringing extra clothes everywhere. But I can truly say that he hasn't had an accident for a couple of months, and wakes up with a dry bed! I hope you have better luck than us! Maybe she'll be perfect from here on out. I'll cross my fingers for you.

Anonymous said...

Tell Gwen that grandma and Uncle Max are particularly proud of her!! I'm guessing that now that she "gets it" it won't be too bad. Max and I are crossing our fingers for you.

Anonymous said...

Tell Gwen that grandma and Uncle Max are particularly proud of her!! I'm guessing that now that she "gets it" it won't be too bad. Max and I are crossing our fingers for you.

JoAnna said...

Don't worry about going out in public places. She will have an accident and it will be okay. It's just the way it is. Just don't react. She'll learn. It won't be long until she realizes that it's not fun peeing in her clothes. Whatever you do, don't go back to diapers!! Have her throw them all away for some kind of special reward. (Then go dig them out of the garbage so you can have them when Bentley gets bigger.) Keep the faith!!

Julie said...

Hooray! I know I was ecstatic when Cameron finally got it. He was 3 years and 3 months old. It's so great to just change a baby's diaper and not a big kid's! Good luck continuing! By the way, Cameron has not wet the bed ever and it's been almost 3 months. Some kids get it fast and some kids take a while!