All of you ladies may want to sit down for this. I was thinking today "oh cool, I am almost twenty weeks along, that's five months, sweet!" so then I continued to ponder, "hmm, so that means I have four months many weeks is that? four times four is sixteen. Cool sixteen weeks left." Wait a second! I don't have sixteen weeks left, I have twenty weeks left. Pregnancy is TEN months. Is it just me because I thought it was supposed to only be nine. I feel a little cheated.
That is rough!
Hi, lurker here. I'm 25 weeks (with number three as well), so I know that no matter how you look at it, it's long. I thought I would reassure you that it really is only 9 months. Unfortunately months are technically 4 1/3 weeks long, so you actually hit 5 months at 21 2/3 weeks. Just a little further!
yeah, technically... but the first 4 weeks which are conception to missed period are almost like not even being pregnant, almost... right? So, are you going to be surprised this time or are you going to find out? I'm sure no one has asked you that question yet...
Come to my house right after. I have to know what you are having!
And saying that pregnancy is 9 months is about the meanest thing a doctor can tell you, in all human history.
I did the math that way when I was pregnant too. TEN MONTHS! But it really isn't. A month is a little longer than 4 weeks generally. It still ends up feeling like 10 months though. Or ten years when you've got water-logged cankles towards the end.
Crappy I know. I'm 33 weeks, and I still feel like I have forever to go. Maybe its cause my baby already weighs over 5 lbs. Good luck, you can always complain to me. I'll listen.
Should I not be laughing right now?!
You know you'd be laughing at me!
And you've been pregnant twice before? You crack me up Fiddle! I sure miss you!
I always believed that pregnancy was nine months until I started picking up pregnancy books and guides. It's a cruel trick ain't it?
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