Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Give me your tired, your poor or at least your pasta salad.

I have a face that must say to people "please, give me any extra food you have in your fridge." Most of the time it is not a big deal, I have no shame, I will take free food. Recently, however, I was at a neighbors house with Gwen to play, as we were leaving she rummaged through her fridge. I didn't really think about what she was doing when she asked, "hey do you like pasta salad?" I thought maybe she had a good new recipe. Not so. I said that I did like pasta salad. She proceeded to open a Tupperware, take a big whiff, wrinkle her nose and say "I am pretty sure this is still good, why don't you take it?".

If ever pawning off your leftovers on me be sure to smell them ahead of time, because something about having to smell them to declare them safe turns me off to it. So now I have the yucky pasta salad sitting in my fridge because I am too afraid to empty the container, gross.

Also, Blaine requests that if you attempt to pawn leftovers off on me that they not be mayonnaise based, that makes him nervous.

Other than these two things though, we'd be happy to take your unwanted food :) And I appreciate all food that has been given to me in the past. . .keep it comin (again, just smell it before I get there :) )


Laurie said...

How many times have you emptied your fridge over to me? Does that make it like leftovers twice removed?
I had a BLT for lunch yesterday and thought of you. :)

Kristi said...

Laurs you and I have a level of friendship that I can eat your leftovers with confidence! And who else can claim to have personally supplied the Larsen's with their two year supply of ketchup and other assorted condiments :) Way to go having something yummier than pbjs for lunch!