Monday, August 20, 2007

Soy Milk: The New Ice Cream (sorry watermelon)

Okay granolas, don't get your hopes up, but I have taken another step in the direction of becoming more granolaesque. Soy Milk. It sounds really gross, but it really isn't. I don't know that I am converted to drinking it all the time in everything, but have you tried using it to make a smoothie? We bought some soy milk over the weekend and it is either a miracle ingredient in smoothies or somehow my smoothie making skills drastically improved over the weekend.

Still getting an epidural.


Julie said...

Really milk? I'm not sure I'd even want to try it. And good for you on getting an epidural! I would probably DIE without one!

Janssen said...

I LOVE Soy Milk. Especially in smoothies. I always buy the HEB brand in vanilla. Delicious!

And I will have an epidural too.

G said...

I think I'm the antithesis of granola and I actually kind of like soy milk as long as it's vanilla. It reminds me a bit of a melted milkshake as long as you avoid "the dregs." I wish I could convince Marshall to let me buy the fruit to make more smoothies... :( He thinks they're a waste of time and I'm such a girl for loving them. Well, I am a girl, your point?

Let me take another moment to say, "Yippee for epidurals!"

Laurie said...

All my granola in-laws love the soy milk. It's pretty good , but I don't recommend it with cereal.